We preserve vintage custom model horses, and promote them as folk art with details about their artists and history.
Vintage custom model horses in top photo, left to right: Naoto Nisei (by Julie Froelich), Sir Diamond Galahad (by Kathleen Maestas), Powder River (by Carol Williams), Metropolitan (by Beverly Zimmer) and The Bluesmobile (by Laurie Jo Jensen). Above left photo, left to right: Deloyer Starblazer (by Lisa Rivera), Sadamebius (by Nancy Strowger), Lunanegra (by Lee Francis), So Class Act (by Sue Rowe) and Highwayinthewind (by Judy Renee Pope).
Compete with your vintage custom model horses either in person or online at Vintage Custom Model Equine Congress!
Our showplace in Ironwood, Mich., will feature a museum, revolving exhibits, hobby history archive library, and more.
This online resource displays initials, pseudonyms, symbols and more to help identify your vintage custom model horse.